We will help people to solve health and beauty problem with sincerity as you are an important to us. We desire you all to have perfect health and beauty with happiness


Within 2022 PJPE Co., Ltd. we are aiming to develop product quality endlessly.
Including, having a worldwide stable product consumer basis and an ideal export.


PJPE Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of skincare products which heal imperfections in different parts of a body.The first product was launched into a market in 2015.The product focused on solving excess fat which is the top problems for women. Accordingly, we studied, researched, and experimented with ourselves and a sample group of people. Developing into the first product that sells in the market, MANAMI BODY FIRMING CREAM, an excess fat eliminating shaping cream under MANAMI brand. Feedbacks from consumers toward MANAMI BODY FIRMING CREAM are outstanding. They believe, trust and continuously purchase our product. Thus, our company developed other products aiming to solve imperfections in each parts of a body. Natural ingredients are mainly used in our products and considers consumer’s safety as priority. To forward satisfactory value with sincere giving the maximum benefits to consumers.